![]() ![]() Hymn: Jesu Corona Virginum ![]() ![]()
Jesu, the Virgins' crown, do thou Accept us as in prayer we bow; Born of that Virgin, whom alone The Mother and the Maid we own.
Amongst the lilies thou dost feed, By Virgin choirs accompanied; With glory decked, the spotless brides Whose bridal gifts thy love provides. They, wheresoe'er thy footsteps bend, With hymns and praises still attend: In blessed troops they follow thee, With dance, and song, and melody. We pray Thee therefore to bestow Upon our senses here below Thy grace, that so we may endure From taint of all corruption pure. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Laud, honor, might, and glory be From age to age eternally. Amen ________________________________ Novena Prayer to St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
O glorious virgin and martyr, Saint Lucy, we behold with wonder the light of living faith which the God of mercy
was pleased to infuse into thy fair soul; by the light of this faith thou wast enabled to despise the vain and fleeting things of this miserable world and to keep thine eyes fixed on heaven, for which alone we have been created; for thy
spirit was not darkened nor thy heart ensnared by the honors, riches and pleasures offered thee by a deceitful world to the loss of faith and the grace of God; far from yielding to the wicked proposals of the impious prefect,
thou didst show thyself brave and resolute so as to face even death itself, rather than prove unfaithful to thy heavenly Master. How greatly ought we to be ashamed who have been illuminated by the same faith and
fortified by the grace of God, and are nevertheless
unable to resist our guilty passions or to despise the crooked maxims of the world, or to turn a deaf ear to the cunning suggestions of our hellish foe. Do thou, dear Saint, obtain for us more light from Almighty God to enable us to see clearly the great truth that we are not
made for things below but for unseen things above.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
II. In thee, O invincible martyr, Saint Lucy, the virtue of hope was most admirable: this virtue kept alive in thee an ardent desire for heaven, and nourished in thy heart a
childlike confidence in the Lord our God and our most loving Father. Animated by this virtue, thou didst obtain for thy infirm mother the gift of health, when thou didst pray fervently for her at the tomb of Saint Agatha. Full of confidence in God, and in order to detach thyself still more from the things of earth, thou didst freely distribute the remainder of thy goods to feed the poor. Wherefore, if thou didst not lack courage and strength of mind to resist the cruel tyrant and to suffer frightful torments in thy fidelity to the faith, the only cause thereof was this, that thou didst put all thy trust in Him Who hath promised not to forsake us in the hour of danger and Who is our shield and defender, ready to work miracles in our behalf, if need be, as also happened at the moment of thy glorious martyrdom! Alas, we must make an unhappy confession: our overwhelming attachment to earthly things and our want of trust in God harden our hearts and deprive us of courage and steadfastness in the most dangerous occasions, and so we succumb to temptation. Obtain for us, Saint Lucy, a more solid hope in the Lord our God, that so we may deserve to have Him for our helper and our comforter in all the dangers that encompass us throughout life.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
III. Thy lively faith and thy firm hope, O glorious martyr of Jesus Christ, Saint Lucy, could not be separated from that fire of most ardent charity with which thy heart did glow, and which caused thee to shed thy blood and lay down thy life so willingly for the sake of Jesus, the beloved Bridegroom of thy soul. It is no wonder, then, that the flames of that material fire which was lighted round about thee by order of the wicked tyrant, were unable to touch thy body and reduce it to ashes. This outward fire was far too feeble by comparison with the inward fire that burned so brightly in thy bosom. Whereupon the impious
prefect, seeing all his efforts to be in vain, commanded thy throat to be pierced by a sharp sword. Then it was that thy innocent soul hastened its flight heavenward to rest
upon the bosom of thy Jesus, there to rejoice evermore in His heavenly sweetness.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.Alas, how miserable we are! We lavish our love on things created and labor unceasingly to possess them, and then we find our poor souls not only unsatisfied, but even embittered and oppressed. Grant us, dear Saint, to be persuaded once for all, that our true happiness on this earth must begin with the love of God, Who Himself will be the true and only object of our perfect and eternal blessedness in heaven.
IV. Filled with confidence in thy mighty intercession, O glorious martyr, Saint Lucy, we beseech thee once again to plead for us in the presence of thy divine Bridegroom, Jesus, that He may vouchsafe to preserve in us the
light of our bodily eyes and at the same time give us the grace to make a profitable use of the same; that in the day of resurrection our eyes may be radiant with that heavenly light which shall make them worthy to behold the
unspeakable beauties of our true and blessed country. Amen.
(Indulgence 300 days)
V. Pray for us, O blessed Lucy, R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Mercifully hear us, O God of our salvation, that even as we rejoice in the constant faith of blessed Lucy, thy Virgin and Martyr, so we may be instructed in sentiments of loving devotion, Through Christ our Lord Amen. ________________________________ Prayer to St. Lucy:
Dear Saint Lucy, whose name doth signify the light, we come to thee filled with confidence: do thou obtain for us a holy light that shall make us careful not to walk in the ways of sin, nor to remain enshrouded in the darkness of error. We ask also, through thy intercession, for the preservation of the light of our bodily eyes and for abundant grace to use the same according to the good pleasure of God, without any hurt to our souls. Grant, O Lucy, that, after venerating thee and giving thee thanks for thy powerful protection here on earth, we may come at length to share thy joy in paradise in the everlasting light of the Lamb of God, thy beloved Bridegroom, Jesus. Amen
(Indulgence of 300 days once a day)
________________________________ Virginis Proles
Son of a virgin, Maker of Thy Mother,
Thou, Rod and Blossom from a Stem unstained, While we a Virgin's triumphs are rehearsing, Hear our petition. Lo, on Thy handmaid fell a twofold blessing, Who, in her body vanquishing the weakness, In that same body, grace from heaven obtaining, Bore the world witness. Death, nor the rending pains of death appalled her; Bondage and torment found her undefeated: So by the shedding of her blood attained she Heavenly guerdon. Fountain of mercy, hear the prayer she offers; Purge our offenses, pardon our transgressions, So that hereafter we to Thee may render Praise with thanksgiving. ________________________________ St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876
St. Lucy, one of the most renowned Christian heroines, first saw the light of the world at Syracuse, in Sicily. Her parents were of high rank and very rich; but Lucy cared not for temporal goods, and had already when quite young, vowed herself to the Lord. As her father had died early, her mother desired that she should marry a youth, her equal in rank and fortune, but still a heathen. Lucy was horrified at this proposal; but not to displease her mother by a refusal, she endeavored to delay giving a decisive answer, praying meanwhile to God to aid her. Her prayer was answered in an unexpected manner. Her mother became sick and needed her daughter's assistance. Already four years had passed, and there was yet no hope of a recovery, when the mother, persuaded by Lucy, allowed herself to be carried to the tomb of St. Agatha, at Catania, which was celebrated for many miracles. On arriving there, Lucy, after long prayers, was overcome by sleep, in which St. Agatha, accompanied by many Angels, appeared to her and said: "What do you request of me, dear sister? Behold your mother is cured! Your faith has worked this miracle. Know then, that as God, for my sake, made Catania glorious, so will He, for your sake, make Syracuse famous; for, you have prepared for Him an agreeable dwelling by vowing your virginity to Him."
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS.When Lucy awoke she found her mother, who had been sick so long, entirely restored. Joyfully embracing her, she warmly congratulated her, and after both had given due thanks to the Almighty, they also showed their gratitude to the virgin, St. Agatha. After this, Lucy said to her mother: "I beg of you, dearest mother, speak not to me again of a mortal bridegroom, for I have long since united myself to One who is immortal. I pray you also to give me the portion you would have given me if I had married an earthly bridegroom." The mother, thinking that her daughter would give all to the poor, replied: "If you will wait till after my death, you will be at liberty to do as you like with your inheritance." To this Lucy made answer: "What we leave to the poor after our death is not so agreeable to God, nor so useful to us as what we give them during our life-time; just as a torch which is carried after us is not of the same service as one which is carried before." Moved by these words, the mother promised to accede to all her wishes. Hence, having returned home, she gave Lucy the portion which was due to her, and the holy virgin gave it immediately to the poor. When the youth who had asked her hand in marriage heard of this, his love was changed into hatred, and he accused her to the Governor, Paschasius, as well for refusing to become his wife, as also for being a Christian and despising the gods. Paschasius called Lucy into his presence, and admonished her to sacrifice to the gods, as well as to keep her promise to the young nobleman. "Neither will be done," replied the virgin; "I sacrifice only to the true God; to Him have I given my faith; not to any man." "I obey the command of the Emperor," replied Paschasius; "you must sacrifice to the gods, and keep your word." "You obey the command of the Emperor," said Lucy, "and I obey the command of God. You fear a mortal man, I fear an immortal God, and Him I will obey." "Your brave words will cease," said Paschasius, "when your fortitude is tried by tortures." "No," said Lucy, "they will not. The servants of the Lord are never in want of words; for Christ has said to them: 'When you speak to kings and magistrates, do not long consider what and how you say it, for it will be given you what to speak. It is not you who speak, but the Spirit of God speaking through you.'" "Do you pretend to say by this, that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" asked Paschasius. The holy virgin replied: "Those whose life is pure and chaste are a temple of the Holy Ghost." "I shall take care that you be not much longer such a temple," said the Governor; "I will send you into a brothel where you will soon be deprived of your purity." "If my will is not in it," said the chaste virgin, "my purity will be undefiled, even as you can force me to cast incense on the altar before the gods. God judges not by the violence which is done to the body, but by the will. If you cause such violence to be done to me, my chastity will earn a double crown." Paschasius, enraged at these words, commanded her to be taken to a house of iniquity, and there exposed to the wickedness of men. Lucy went forth courageously, full of trust in God, whose aid she implored, into the street; where, suddenly, by the power of the Almighty, she became immovable, so that they could not remove her from the spot notwithstanding all their efforts. They fastened ropes around her, and even yoked several pairs of oxen to them, but all was useless; she stood like a rock and could not be moved. Paschasius ascribed this miracle to witchcraft, and commanded pitch and boiling oil to be poured over her, and set on fire; but she remained unharmed in the midst of the flames. The tyrant could no longer endure to see the fearlessness of the Christian heroine, much less listen to the admonitions which she gave to those around her to forsake idolatry; hence he commanded that a sword should be thrust into her throat to end her life. Sinking to the ground, the Saint closed her eyes in death, and received the crown of martyrdom, in the year of our Lord, 303. The prophecy that the persecution of the Christians would soon cease, with which she had comforted the faithful shortly before her end, became true. Her holy body was buried at Syracuse. From time immemorial this holy virgin and martyr has been invoked by those who suffer from diseases of the eyes.
I. Impress deeply into your heart three memorable sayings of St. Lucy. The first regards almsgiving before death. This is much more agreeable to the Almighty, and much more useful to you than to give after your death. May you choose what is most agreeable to God and most useful to yourself. The second is the answer which she gave to Paschasius: "You obey the command of the Emperor, and I, the command of God. You fear a mortal man, and I fear the immortal God; Him I must obey." May you act according to these words. Keep the commandments of the Lord, for He can truly be more useful to you, and harm you more than all mortal men. The third is comprised in the following words : "Those whose life is chaste, are a temple of the Holy Ghost." For whom then are the unchaste a dwelling? Surely, for no one else than the spirit of hell. Should not this thought alone awaken in you the greatest horror for the vice of unchastity, and an especial love for the virtue of purity?
St. Lucy from the Liturgical Year, 1905Besides these three maxims, consider how miraculously St. Lucy was strengthened and protected by the power of God, in such a manner that no force could move her from where she stood. Endeavor, at least, to be immovable in your intention, to live more piously, and to shun sin, especially that sin to which you are most addicted. In order not to become guilty of it again, you ought to stand as immovable as a rock in the sea. Let prayer and trust in God be your help, as they were St. Lucy's. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast and immovable," says St. Paul. (1 Cor. xv.)
There comes to us, today, the fourth of our wise virgins, the valiant martyr, Lucy. Her glorious name shines on the sacred diptych of the Canon of the Mass, together with those of Agatha, Agnes, and Cecily ; and as often as we hear it pronounced during these days of Advent, it reminds us (for Lucy signifies light) that He who consoles the Church, by enlightening her children, is soon to be with us. Lucy is one of the three glories of the Church of Sicily; as Catania is immortalized by Agatha, and Palermo by Rosalie, so is Syracuse by Lucy.
Prayer:Therefore, let us devoutly keep her feast: she will aid us by her prayers during this holy season, and will repay our love by obtaining for us a warmer love of that Jesus, whose grace enabled her to conquer the world. Once more let us consider, why our Lord has not only given us apostles, martyrs, and bishops as guides to us on our road to Bethlehem, but has willed also that we should be accompanied thither by such virgins as Lucy. The children of the Church are forcibly reminded by this, that, in approaching the crib of their sovereign Lord and God, they must bring with them, besides their faith, that purity of mind and body without which no one can come near to God.
We present ourselves before thee, O virgin martyr, beseeching thee to obtain for us that we may recognize in His lowliness that same Jesus whom thou now seest in His glory. Take us under thy powerful patronage. Thy name signifies light; guide us through the dark night of this life. O fair light of virginity! enlighten us; evil concupiscence has wounded our eyes : pray for us, O thou bright light of virginity ! that our blindness be healed, and that rising above created things, we may be able to see that true light, which shineth in darkness, but which darkness cannot comprehend.
Pray for us, that our eye may be purified, and may see, in the Child who is to be born at Bethlehem, the new Man, the second Adam, the model on which the life of our regeneration must be formed. Pray too, O holy virgin, for the Church of Rome and for all those which adopt her form of the holy Sacrifice; for they daily pronounce at the altar of God thy sweet name ; and the Lamb, who is present, loves to hear it. Heap thy choicest blessings on the fair Isle, which was thy native land, and where grew the palm of thy martyrdom. May thy intercession secure to her inhabitants firmness of faith, purity of morals, and temporal prosperity, and deliver them from the disorders which threaten her with destruction. ![]() Music: Sancta Lucia ![]() ![]() Return to Home Page: Click Here
Upon this brilliant sea, a star of silver,
http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/Across the gentle waves, the wind is sweeping. Upon this brilliant sea, a star of silver, Across the gentle waves, the wind is sweeping. Come help my little boat sail swiftly to the shore, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Come help my little boat sail swiftly to the shore, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Full sail with breezes fair, so gentle are they, Oh, how this ship can feel, so fine beneath me, Full sail with breezes fair, so gentle are they, Oh, how this ship can feel, so fine beneath me, All passengers aboard, come sail the sea with me, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! All passengers aboard, come sail the sea with me, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Between these sails that pull, forgetting supper, Oh, pleasant skies above, how I adore you. Between these sails that pull, forgetting supper, Oh, pleasant skies above, how I adore you. There are no grave demands, to quench desire, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! There are no grave demands, to quench desire, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! A sea that is so calm, a wind that's playful, A sailor's guarantee, forget what ails you, A sea that is so calm, a wind that's playful, A sailor's guarantee, forget what ails you, And he shouts from his heart, with all affection, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! And he shouts from his heart, with all affection, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Oh, my sweet Napoli, Oh, blessed soil, Where nature smiles upon all of creation, Oh, my sweet Napoli, Oh, blessed soil, Where nature smiles upon all of creation, You are the harmony, you are the empire, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! You are the harmony, you are the empire, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Each hour to linger more, this lovely evening, Each breath is filled with air, so fresh and welcome, Each hour to linger more, this lovely evening, Each breath is filled with air, so fresh and welcome, Come help my little boat sail swiftly to the shore, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Come help my little boat sail swiftly to the shore, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! |